Welcome! You've made it to the homepage of Temple Solel's 2010 mission to Cuba. From here you will be able to follow our progress as our group of 15 spends time in Havana, and beyond.

A special word of thanks to the many generous members of the Temple Solel community, who lovingly donated much-needed supplies and money that will go to directly support Cuban Jews and non-Jews alike who are in need - many of whom we will have the privilege of meeting during our trip.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day Six

From the home base of our hotel in Cienfuegos, our sixth day was dominated by a tour of Trinidad, a town about an hour and a half away.

Like the Old Town of Havana, Trinidad is a UNESCO cultural heritage site.  It has largely maintained its 18th and 19th century qualities.  The town is dominated by a central plaza:

Overlooking the plaza is a mansion that once belonged to one of the sugar barons of the region:

The mansion is dominated by a lookout tower with stunning views of the surrounding area:

Our day in Trinidad wasn't just about experiencing its history, or taking in its sights.  We also spent time in the morning in the regional high-risk pregnancy clinic.

On the surface, the facility seemed a little dated - the building was in a state of disrepair, and the plumbing could not be compared with comparable American facilities.

But, during our meeting with the doctors and nurses that run this institution, we found that appearances can be deceiving.  The Cuban state-run medical system has a creative set of solutions in place to meet the needs of pregnant women who encounter challenges during their pregnancy.  Here's a picture of group member Steve Drosman (an OB/GYN) talking with reps of the clinic, after we presented supplies that we had brought to donate:

Dinner that evening was at the Palacio right next to our hotel in Cienfuegos:

If you'll permit me an inside reference for the trip participants: suffice it to say, the beauty of the setting was greater than the beauty of the piano playing...

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Jeff has served as Associate Rabbi of Temple Solel from 2005-2012.